oxc / Explore crates



Special section for oxc_ast.

Printing an AST

For this one, you will need to read oxc_codegen before.


oxc:oxc_codegen::Codegen is the struct that holds everything needed to transform an oxc::oxc_ast::ast::Program into a CodegenReturn thanks to its build method.

The CodegenReturn contains:

  • code: String (the code generated from the ast)
  • map: Option<oxc_sourcemap::SourceMap> (the sourcemap if activated)


  • prepares a buffer for the code that will be generated - self.code.reserve(program.source_text.len())
  • creates a HashMap of the comments contained in the AST (if the comments are to be printed - like not in minified code)
  • creates a oxc::oxc_codegen::SourcemapBuilder (if sourcemaps are active)

Finally, calls the print method on the AST, passing itself &mut Codegen and a default oxc::oxc_codegen::Context which will be passed to each print calls of each AST node.


Each kind of of AST nodes needs to implement the following traits (according to their behavior)

fn main() {
/// Generate source code for an AST node.
pub trait Gen: GetSpan {
    /// Generate code for an AST node.
    fn gen(&self, p: &mut Codegen, ctx: Context);

    /// Generate code for an AST node. Alias for `gen`.
    fn print(&self, p: &mut Codegen, ctx: Context) {
        self.gen(p, ctx);
fn main() {
/// Generate source code for an expression.
pub trait GenExpr: GetSpan {
    /// Generate code for an expression, respecting operator precedence.
    fn gen_expr(&self, p: &mut Codegen, precedence: Precedence, ctx: Context);

    /// Generate code for an expression, respecting operator precedence. Alias for `gen_expr`.
    fn print_expr(&self, p: &mut Codegen, precedence: Precedence, ctx: Context) {
        self.gen_expr(p, precedence, ctx);

See the follow-up in oxc_ast.

See more about sourcemaps on oxc::oxc_sourcemaps.



The sourcemap implement port from rust-sourcemap, but has some different with it.

Encode sourcemap at parallel, including quote sourceContent and encode token to vlq mappings. Avoid Sourcemap some methods overhead, like SourceMap::tokens().

The main interface for creating sourcemaps from existing files seems to be oxc::oxc_codegen::CodeGen::new().enable_source_map(&filename, &source_text).build() (or any other options allowed by the builder pattern).

Understand the relation about SourceMap between oxc_codegen and oxc_sourcemap

See more in oxc::oxc_codegen.




A range in text, represented by a zero-indexed start and end offset.

fn main() {
use oxc_span::Span;
let text = "foo bar baz";
let span = Span::new(4, 7);
assert_eq!(&text[span], "bar");
