rolldown / Shared Crates


Contains the bindings to wasm and napi for the objects used on the JavaScript side, thanks to the #[napi] macro.

This code is used in packages/rolldown to generate bindings.

Difference between napi and napi-rs.




The FileEmitter is instanciated and passed as an Arc<FileEmitter> to the rolldown_plugin::PluginDriver


Tiny wrapper around lightningcss

An extremely fast CSS parser, transformer, bundler, and minifier (built in rust)





Thin abstraction over the traits oxc_resolver::{FileMetadata, FileSystem}.

For the implementation, see oxc-project/oxc-resolver, a Rust version of webpack/enhanced-resolve.





  • trait Plugin contains default implementation for the interfaces it declares:
    • build_start, resolve_id, load, transform, transform_ast and many more
  • trait Pluginable
    • exposes interfaces without implementations for call_load, call_transform, call_transform_ast, that kinda stuff
    • should not be used directly, it is recommended to use the Plugin trait - comment from source code:
      • "The main reason we don't expose this trait is that it used async_trait, which make it rust-analyzer can't provide a good auto-completion experience."
  • impl<T: Plugin> Pluginable for T block creates implementations for the methods call_* based on Plugin trait implementation





This plugin relies on the traits rolldown_fs::{FileSystem, OsFileSystem} from rolldown_fs which relies on oxc_resolver::{FileMetadata, FileSystem}.

This is the plugin in charge of resolving the paths of the imports, which is a very tricky thing in JavaScript. The resolving part is handled by the oxc_resolver crate (in order to be able to share).

  1. rolldown_resolver::Resolver::new creates an instance of the resolver
  1. Call site of rolldown_resolver::Resolver::new is in BundlerBuilder, while creating PluginDriver
  2. rolldown_resolver::Resolver::resolve is exposed
  • it accepts:
    • importer: Option<&Path> - the path from where the module to be imported is to be resolved
    • specifier: &str - the "name" of the module to resolve
    • import_kind: rolldown_common::ImportKind whether it is an import, a dynamic import, a require, an AtImport (css)
  • it resolve the directory of the importer from importer
  • calls the adequate resolver (from oxc_resolver) based on import_kind with (importer, specifier)
  • retrieves the package.json related to the module being resolved, since it can affect how we should resolve it
  • caches the package.json
  • calculates the following for the return:
    • module_type: rolldown_common::ModuleDefFormat:
      • ending with .mjs or .cjs is easy
      • however, the type field of the package.json may affect the resolution (module, commonjs)



Exposes rolldown_rstr::Rstr which is a thin wrapper over oxc::span::CompactStr, which is a wrapper over the compact_str crate.

A memory efficient string type that can store up to 24* bytes on the stack.

A CompactString is a more memory efficient string type, that can store smaller strings on the stack, and transparently stores longer strings on the heap (aka a small string optimization). It can mostly be used as a drop in replacement for String and are particularly useful in parsing, deserializing, or any other application where you may have smaller strings.

rolldown_rstr::Rstr is used in many places in the project.



Exposes collapse_sourcemaps(mut sourcemap_chain: Vec<&SourceMap>) -> SourceMap.

It collapses multiple sourcemaps generated by calls to oxc::oxc_codegen::CodeGen::new().enable_source_map(&filename, &source_text).build() into one giant sourcemap.

Relies on oxc::sourcemap::*.



Utils for used for bench testing. Used for benchmark.



See contribution guide chapter about tracing/logging.

This crate exposes try_init_tracing which is called when building the bundler and correctly initializes tracing according to env vars.

rolldown_binding::bundler::Bundler calls try_init_custom_trace_subscriber which does the same as try_init_tracing but ensures to call napi_env.add_env_cleanup_hook and manually flush and drop tracing_chrome::FlushGuard.

This crate relies on:
